Ah, the Sinister Sales Engineer. Many companies have one. Early in my career, when I was not even a "Senior" Product Manager yet, this guy scared the bejeezus out of me. Let's just say that this…
Lessons I Learned from Co-Founding a Tech Startup
Once upon a time, when I was a wee lass (25 years old, to be precise), and not yet a product manager but a code warrior-ess (or whatever it is that you call female warriors), I did that clichéd, hackneyed…
Quora: Options for adopting from abroad as a single woman
I answered the following question on international adoption on Quora [https://www.quora.com/Im-a-single-female-in-my-40s-and-would-like-to-adopt-a-child-internationally-Which-countries-should-I-be-considering] : Q: I'm a single female in my 40s, and would like to adopt a child internationally. Which countries should I be considering? I&…
Quora: Is it fair for men & women to have different criteria for Y-Combinator, MIT & Caltech?
Summarized from a discussion I had in the comments on Quora [http://www.quora.com/How-could-Y-Combinator-be-more-female-friendly]. Original Question: How could Y Combinator be more female-friendly? This isn't so much about how YC treats women once they get in,…
Why Product Management is so misunderstood
I've encountered lots of software startups that want to start up a Product Management function, even though they don't really understand what the Product Management role is or its activities. (I guess that's why…