Originally posted to Quora [http://www.quora.com/Do-parents-love-biological-children-more-than-adopted-children] . The original question was "Do parents love biological children more than adopted children?" Someone who was a biological father without adopted children, who was therefore speculating, posted: > ...I…
A collection of 6 posts
Quora: How should paternity leave be arranged for a gay man with an adopted child?
Orignally posted to Quora [http://www.quora.com/How-should-paternity-leave-be-arranged-for-a-gay-man-with-an-adopted-child] . Q: How should paternity leave be arranged for a gay man with an adopted child? Should he get paternity leave, which is usually shorter, or maternity leave? If he gets maternity…
Quora: If you are an adoptive parent, do you celebrate your child's 'gotcha day'?
My answer, originally published on Quora [http://www.quora.com/If-you-are-an-adoptive-parent-do-you-celebrate-your-childs-gotcha-day-or-homecoming-day-If-yes-how-do-you-do-it/answer/Sue-Raisty-Egami] . Q: If you are an adoptive parent, do you celebrate your child's 'gotcha day'or 'homecoming day'? If yes, how do…
Quora: Is it more expensive to have twins or two single pregnancies?
My answer, originally published on Quora [http://www.quora.com/From-a-purely-financial-standpoint-is-it-more-expensive-to-have-twins-Or-two-single-pregnancies-1-2-years-apart/answer/Sue-Raisty] . Q: From a purely financial standpoint is it more expensive to have twins? Or two single pregnancies 1-2 years apart? Keeping in mind maternity leave, nursery costs,…
Quora: On nannies, stay-at-home parents & feminism
My comments on an answer to a Quora question [http://qr.ae/QhpJt]. Original Question: Motherhood: Are stay at home moms/dads who have a full-time nanny lazy? One person who answered this question basically said YES for the following…