Quora: What advice would you give to prospective adoptive parents?

My answer, originally posted to Quora [http://www.quora.com/If-there-was-one-or-more-piece-of-advice-you-could-give-to-propsective-adoptive-parents-what-would-it-be/answer/Sue-Raisty-Egami] . Q: If there was one (or more) piece of advice you could give to prospective adoptive parents what would it be? We are thinking of adopting one…

Quora: Is it more expensive to have twins or two single pregnancies?

My answer, originally published on Quora [http://www.quora.com/From-a-purely-financial-standpoint-is-it-more-expensive-to-have-twins-Or-two-single-pregnancies-1-2-years-apart/answer/Sue-Raisty] . Q: From a purely financial standpoint is it more expensive to have twins? Or two single pregnancies 1-2 years apart? Keeping in mind maternity leave, nursery costs,…

To James: You're becoming a very sweet boy

Dear James (age 3.5), You are a very sweet young boy, and I am so touched by how much well you care for others and help them when they need you. Over the weekend, you and Kian were playing…