
My articles that were originally posted to the Quora.com question & answer website.

Quora: Do people in other countries adopt American children?

My answer, originally posted on Quora [http://www.quora.com/Do-people-in-other-countries-adopt-American-children/answer/Sue-Raisty] . My Answer Yes, but there is some debate about how many are adopted each year. It is probably in the 100s, and the leading foreign adopter of

Quora: How does it feel to adopt a child of a different race from you?

Quora: How do gay male parents substitute for breast-feeding for their babies?

My answer, originally published on Quora. My Answer They do it the way ANY adoptive parent -- male or female, gay or straight -- does it: usually bottle-feeding with formula. Entire generations of kids grew up healthy on just formula,

Quora: Why do parents adopt children from foreign countries rather than from their own country?

Quora: What advice would you give to prospective adoptive parents?

My answer, originally posted to Quora. Q: If there was one (or more) piece of advice you could give to prospective adoptive parents what would it be? We are thinking of adopting one or more children internationally (currently have zero)

Quora: Is it more expensive to have twins or two single pregnancies?

My answer, originally published on Quora [http://www.quora.com/From-a-purely-financial-standpoint-is-it-more-expensive-to-have-twins-Or-two-single-pregnancies-1-2-years-apart/answer/Sue-Raisty] . Q: From a purely financial standpoint is it more expensive to have twins? Or two single pregnancies 1-2 years apart? Keeping in mind maternity leave, nursery costs,

Quora: Should you tell your adopted child that he/she is adopted?

My answer to this Quora question was originally published on 10/16/2013. My Answer: Yes, you should tell your child. Because he or she WILL definitely one day find out. Read the other answers for insight into how devastating

Quora: Is it selfish to use IVF, IUI, or other artificial forms of reproduction?

My answer, originally published on Quora [http://www.quora.com/Infertility/Do-you-think-that-using-IVF-IUI-or-other-artificial-forms-of-reproduction-is-selfish/answer/Sue-Raisty] . Q: Infertility: Do you think that using IVF, IUI, or other artificial forms of reproduction is selfish? Some people feel that infertile couples who turn to

Quora: What are your feelings towards your adopted child?

Quora: Can an adult be legally adopted?

My answer, originally posted to Quora [http://www.quora.com/Can-an-adult-be-legally-adopted/answer/Sue-Raisty] My Answer I don't know about other countries, but yes, an adult can be legally adopted in many states in the USA, including California. The

Quora: Does the American government stimulate the adoption of foreign children with disabilities?

My answer to a question originally published on Quora. Q: Why does the American government stimulate the adoption of foreign children with disabilities? What's the use of these children for the country's welfare and future? My

Quora: What are the disadvantages of being a female in a male-dominated CS/engineering university?

My answer, originally published on Quora [http://www.quora.com/What-are-the-disadvantages-of-being-a-female-in-a-male-dominated-CS-engineering-university/answer/Sue-Raisty] Q: What are the disadvantages of being a female in a male-dominated CS/engineering university? ##My Answer The other answers to this question are all spot-on and

Quora: What is the best way to visually present a product roadmap to executive stakeholders?

My answer, originally published on Quora [http://www.quora.com/What-is-the-best-way-to-visually-present-a-product-roadmap-to-executive-stakeholders/answer/Sue-Raisty] . Q: What is the best way to visually present a product roadmap to executive stakeholders? What are some effectively ways to communicate a product roadmap to executives

Quora: Should I finish a degree in CS if I don't really want to be a software engineer?

My answer, originally published on Quora [http://www.quora.com/Should-I-finish-a-degree-in-CS-if-I-dont-really-want-to-be-a-software-engineer/answer/Sue-Raisty-Egami] . Q: Should I finish a degree in CS if I don't really want to be a software engineer? Some context: I started a degree in

Quora: Does Apple get too much credit for its UI design?

My answer, originally published on Quora [http://www.quora.com/Does-Apple-get-too-much-credit-for-its-UI-design/answer/Sue-Raisty] . Q: Does Apple get too much credit for its UI design? Why does everyone treat Apple UI like god? My Answer Apple deserves the credit. First they

Quora: Is a PMP certification good for a software engineer looking to transition into product management?

My answer, originally published on Quora [http://www.quora.com/Is-a-PMP-certification-good-for-a-software-engineer-looking-to-transition-into-product-management/answer/Sue-Raisty] . My Answer I've worked with dozens of software / online service companies and helped them recruit product management candidates. None of them care about the PMI