Return of the Product Management haiku

Remember this?  The Product Management Haikus (originally inspired by Pivotal PM)?

I am inspired to once again dust off my quill pen and write some more poetry. Poetry that no one but you, a reader of a product management blog, could possibly understand.

If you are similarly inspired, post your own haiku in the comments!

Agile home building:
Slap up one room's walls, paint them.
Add stylish decor.

Skip the foundation
Because its blueprint can't fit
On a sticky note.

Can't do roof, plumbing,
Or power, 'cuz they need the
Whole house spec'd out first.

Branding genius,
Please don't add "Web 2.0"
To my product's name.

Mister CEO,
Sorry, "everyone" is not
A market segment.

CEO replaced
My well researched pricing plan
With price pulled from thin air

Sorry boss, I have
No time to tweet, blog and Facebook,
Plus do my real job.